Supporting Youth Education

I am a youth in care / young adult on an AYA (Agreements with Young Adults) receiving support from a GA agency and I want to go to college or university. What are my options?
Option 1: GA Post-Secondary Funding
The General Authority offers scholarships and bursaries for youth pursuing post-secondary studies.
The GA College Fund
Pays up to the full cost of tuition, as well as related costs, for youth and young adults supported by a GA agency who are pursing post-secondary studies at an accredited institution including a university, college or vocational program/s in Manitoba.
The GA Post-Secondary Bursary
Is intended to provide financial support for up to $2,000 to youth or young adults supported by a GA agency who are pursuing post-secondary studies at a recognized post-secondary institution, college or vocational program, not otherwise eligible for the GA College Fund.
How to apply: Contact your worker for more details.
Deadline: No deadline.

Meet Charley…
“Being able to access the GA Post-Secondary Bursary has been super helpful so far for books, supplies, tuition…even groceries. I just want to say thank you so much to the General Authority for the help. It’s been super helpful and I really appreciate it.”
Meet Zach…
“The General Authority College Fund has allowed me to seize my dreams and take control of my life. The fund has assisted me greatly in pursuing a health care aid course. It has paid for books, tuition, certifications and all sorts of other things that have come up during my schooling. And it has been immensely liberating not having all of these debts and bills to pay.”
Option 2: Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for Youth in Manitoba
In addition to young people supported by a GA agency, these Manitoba-based scholarships are available to youth in care or former youth in care across the province.

Keith Cooper Scholarship
This scholarship is available to youth and young adults currently or previously in the care of a CFS agency in Manitoba. The Keith Cooper Scholarship provides financial assistance to support the pursuit of post-secondary studies.
- Ten scholarships of $1,000 awarded annually
- No age restrictions
- Successful recipients can re-apply in each year of study to complete a university degree, diploma, technical or vocational program.
How to apply: Please Visit Futures Forward
Annual Deadline: June/July
Voices – Manitoba’s Youth in Care Network Awards
Details: The Voices Scholarship Program consists of five awards:
- Voices Bursary
- Marie Christian Award
- Reaching for the Stars Scholarship
- Honouring Our Youth Scholarship
- Kiwiytin Scholarship
How to apply: Please Visit Voices
Annual Deadline: May/June
Futures Forward
Futures Forward is an organization dedicated to helping young people ages 15 to 29, leaving the care of CFS in Manitoba as they transition to adulthood.
The organization can:
- Help you find funding programs for your post-secondary goals and career enrichment.
- Coordinate Manitoba’s tuition waiver program
How to apply: Please visit the Futures Forward website.
Annual Deadline: March of each year.
NEW!!! 2025 Futures Forward Scholarship Guide! Click here for more info.
Tuition Waivers
Ten colleges and universities in Manitoba provide bursaries to current and former youth in care. These bursaries can cover a substantial amount or the full cost of your tuition for an eligible degree, diploma, or certificate program. The number of available waivers depends on the school you want to apply to.
- Assiniboine Community College (ACC)
- Booth University College (Booth)
- Brandon University (BU)
- Canadian Mennonite University (CMU)
- Manitoba Institute for Trades and Technology (MITT)
- Red River Polytechnic (RRC)
- University College of the North (UCN)
- Université de St. Boniface (USB)
- University of Manitoba (UM)
- University of Winnipeg (UW)
How to apply: Apply directly to the participating school before March 1 so you are accepted into your program at the same time as your waiver. Visit Futures Forward for More Info
Annual Deadline: Between Jan 1 to March 31
Option 3: Additional Supports & Resources to Fund Post-Secondary Education
In addition to young people supported by a GA agency, these national scholarships are available to youth in care or former youth in care.

Children’s Aid Foundation Post-Secondary Scholarships
The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada offers several post-secondary scholarships /bursaries and graduation awards worth up to $5,000 each year for young people currently or previously in the care of CFS agency.
How to apply: Visit Children’s Aid Foundation or email
Deadline: January of each year for the $5,000 bursary, visit for all other award details.
Meet Brigitte…
“Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada has supported me in getting braces for my teeth, scholarships for my studies, and even clothes. They’ve helped me get connected to community supports and get a laptop and printer. I hope to use my experiences in care, and in life, to help youth and families in my community and give back. One of my more personal goals is to fully love and be at peace with myself.”
Canada Learning Bond
This fund helps youth in and from care, born in 2004 or later, receive up to $2,000 for post-secondary education. The bond is intended for low-income youth, newcomer youth, and youth in and from care.
- Youth can receive up to $2,000 from the Government of Canada by opening a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).
- You can access this money when you enroll in full-time or part-time education or training after high school (including trades and apprenticeship programs)
- All youth in care are eligible for the Canada Learning Bond.
- If under 18, your legal guardian (often your CFS agency) must open the RESP on your behalf. Once you turn 18, you are able to open the RESP on your own.