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General Authority AGM!

21st General Authority AGM (Virtual)

Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024
12 p.m. to 1p.m.

If you missed it, a full recording of the AGM, along with a copy of our annual report and financial statements, is available here.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Please see our Message from the CEO.

Children’s Special Allowance Class Action Settlement

If you were a child in care with any child and family services agency in Manitoba between Jan. 1, 2005 and March 31, 2019, you may be included in an agreement signed by the Province to settle class action lawsuits related to the children’s special allowance. On Sept. 5, 2024 , Justice Huberdeau approved the Settlement Agreement.

Education bursaries available!

Apply now for the GA College fund for the 2023/24 year or the GA Post-Secondary Bursary! See your worker for more details.

Our Blog

Visit our Blog for the latest news on children and families!

Our Vision Statement

Children and youth who are safe, happy, thriving and growing up with their family in a healthy, caring community.

Children’s Special Allowance Class Action Settlement

If you were a child in care with any child and family services (CFS) agency in Manitoba between Jan. 1, 2005 and March 31, 2019, you may be included in an agreement signed by the Province to settle class action lawsuits related to the children’s special allowance.

(Click here to read the press release from March 2024). On Sept. 5, 2024 , Justice Huberdeau approved the Settlement Agreement.

Learn More

Two administrators have been appointed by the court to oversee the claims process for these settlements.  If you were in care at any point in this time period with a CFS agency mandated by the General Authority, the claims administrator for you is Exchange Group Solutions. 

Agencies mandated by the General Authority:

  • Jewish Child and Family Service
  • Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba
  • Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba
  • Rural and Northern Child and Family Services
  • Winnipeg Child and Family Services

To learn more about this settlement, please contact Exchange Group Solutions at:

Phone: 1-204-947-7101 or 1-800-947-7101

Email:  Questions@CSASettlement.com

Website: CSA Settlement

Claims for compensation cannot be made yet. 

The Claim Registration Period will begin on Jan. 6, 2025, and will stay open for two years.

​Claim Registration Forms will be available on Jan. 6, 2025 in a variety of formats including online submission, downloading, mailing or pickup for hardcopy completion and submission.

Land Acknowledgment

The General Authority acknowledges that we are located on Treaty 1 territory, the traditional gathering place of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene people and the traditional homeland of the Métis people. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

Reconnaissance territoriale par la Régie générale

La Régie générale reconnait que nous sommes rassemblés sur le territoire du Traité no 1 et que le Manitoba se trouve sur les territoires visés par un traité et les terres ancestrales des peuples anichinabé, cri, oji-cri, dakota et déné. Nous reconnaissons aussi que le Manitoba se trouve sur le territoire des Métis de la rivière Rouge. Nous respectons l’esprit et l’objectif des traités et de la conclusion de ces derniers. Nous restons déterminés à travailler en partenariat avec les Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis dans un esprit de vérité, de réconciliation et de collaboration.

For Parents

  • Help with my child
  • Parenting Resources
  • Parents Rights / Responsibilities
  • Interacting with CFS

Children & Youth Resources

  • Supporting Youth Education
  • Children & Youth resources
  • Questions and Concerns

For Foster Parents

  • General Information
  • Orientation Session

Adoption Information

  • Adoption Process
  • Who May Adopt
  • Resources

Indigenous Laws and Indigenous Governing Bodies

  • GA Statement
  • Links to Legislation
  • Indigenous Governing Bodies

Who We Are 

The General Authority Board was formed after the proclamation of the Child and Family Services Authorities Act in 2003. We are responsible for ensuring the provision of child and family services through the partner agencies, and service regions we cover. We have a broad representation of members that takes into account gender, race/ethnicity/cultural communities, along with representation from throughout the province.

Offre Active / Active Offer

Les services seront fournis en français sur demande.

Le Règlement 199/255 de la Loi sur les régies de services à l’enfant et à la famille exige que toutes les régies de services à l’enfant et à la famille et tous les organismes sous leur autorité présentent un plan annuel de mise en œuvre des services en langue française. La Régie générale des services à l’enfant et à la famille a préparé un plan de mise en œuvre des services en langue française qui répond aux attentes formulées dans le Règlement. Le plan fixe des objectifs précis pour chacun des points suivants : offre active, formation, gouvernance et coordination, rapport sur les progrès accomplis; ententes de partenariats communautaires. Le plan de mise en œuvre des SLF de la Régie générale a été approuvé par le conseil d’administration et Santé en français (Manitoba). Les offices et les bureaux régionaux de la Régie générale qui offrent des services en français dans les régions désignées intègrent des plans pour la prestation de services en français ans leurs plans annuels de services.

Services will be provided in French on request.

Regulation 199/255, pursuant to The Child and Family Services Authorities Act, requires all Child and Family Services authorities to complete multi-year and annual French language strategic (FLS) plans in accordance with the expectations set out in the Regulation. The General Authority FLS plan sets out specific goals in each of the following areas: active offer, training, governance and co-ordination, reporting progress and establishing community partnerships. Read the FLS plan – English. The General Authority FLS Plan has been approved by the Board of Directors and Santé en français. (Manitoba). Our agencies embed plans for the provision of FLS within their annual strategic service plans.

Accessibility Statement

The General Authority is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for all people, regardless of their abilities. 

If you require additional assistance, please contact our office at 204-984-9360 or at generalauthority@gov.mb.ca and we will be pleased to help. For more information, please contact the Manitoba Accessibility Office at AccessibilityMB.ca

Énoncé sur l’accessibilité

Conformément aux exigences de la Loi sur l’accessibilité pour les Manitobains, la Régie générale s’engage à garantir l’égalité d’accès et la pleine participation à toute personne, peu importe ses capacités.

Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’aide, veuillez contacter notre bureau par téléphone en composant le (204) 984-9360 ou par courriel à l’adresse generalauthority@gov.mb.ca et nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous aider. Si vous avez des questions ou souhaitez obtenir ces renseignements sous un autre format, veuillez contacter le Bureau des personnes handicapées en vous rendant sur le lien AccessibilityMB.ca.

Visit our Blog for the latest news and information