Thousands celebrate at Winnipeg’s biggest Pride parade
From CBC News--Thousands donning every colour of the rainbow marched in sweltering heat in celebration of love and pursuit of equal rights in the biggest Pride parade in Winnipeg's history. Pride president Barry...
Celebrate Pride Month in June!
From the Manitoba Public Service--June is Pride Month and celebrated by millions of people worldwide. It is a time to celebrate 2SLGBTQ+ culture, honour the work of advocates and recognize the ongoing discrimination...
Mental-health crisis response pilot program expanded
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is providing $414,000 to expand the Alternative Response to Citizens in Crisis (ARCC) initiative that provides on-site support to individuals experiencing a...
New U.S. report states importance of talking to foster youth about sexuality
From the Imprint--A recent Imprint investigation published May 9 revealed that dozens of states lack formal or detailed policy guidance to support foster youth with the information they need as they go through puberty....
Government provides $1.2-million for youth skills-building and job support
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is providing youth in Manitoba with the opportunity to experience their first jobs in a supportive environment that gives them the confidence and skills needed...
Experts say music can help children deal with trauma, recommend foster parents instill love of music in their homes
From the Imprint--Foster parents are called on to make sure the kids in their homes receive talk therapy, cognitive therapy and family therapy. But experts who treat trauma in kids removed from their homes say there’s...
How Manitobans can take action against gender-based violence
From CTV News--A campaign aimed at ending gender-based violence is calling on Manitobans to join in a day of ceremony, fasting and action. Events are scheduled across the country Thursday, including in Winnipeg and...
Free resources available to support mental health and well-being
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is reminding individuals and families across the province during Mental Health Week about the availability of free and accessible resources to support mental...
Expanded mental health services for children and youth announced
As part of its commitment to promote mental health and wellness and to increase access to early intervention and suicide prevention activities, the Manitoba government is investing almost $3 million in new and ongoing...
Celebrate National Volunteer Week – April 16-22
Volunteering Weaves us Together Let’s celebrate our individual and collective actions in creating a strong, interconnected and vibrant community! Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our...