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Manitoba Government News Release–The Manitoba government is providing youth in Manitoba with the opportunity to experience their first jobs in a supportive environment that gives them the confidence and skills needed for work, Economic Development, Investment and Trade Minister Jeff Wharton announced today.

“Our government is committed to supporting young Manitobans so they can build their skills and engage with the workforce through this supportive model,” said Wharton. “The programs funded through the First Jobs Fund help youth develop the skills necessary to be successful in the future.”
The First Jobs Fund supports registered non-profit or non-government organizations to implement programming for youth aged 15 to 29 facing barriers to employment, up to a maximum of $300,000 per organization.

The two programs available include:
• a job readiness program which develops employability skills and provides mentorship, job coaching and life skills to youth participants.; and
• a wage subsidy program which provides a minimum of seven hours of employment per week and at least 150 hours of employment to youth participants.

Last year, more than 300 Manitoba youth had the opportunity to build skills in their first job through the First Jobs Fund. These young people have gained valuable experiences that have supported them in their further education and career paths, the minister noted.

The fund prioritizes projects that support Indigenous youth, include paid work experience, and provide skills and experiences in key economic sectors and for in-demand jobs, said the minister.

Applications for the First Jobs Fund are open until July 31.
For more information and the application form, visit https://gov.mb.ca/wd/ites/youth/first_jobs_fund.html.