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The Manitoba government will host Mental Health Week events from May 6 to 12, 2024. The theme for this year is A Call to Be Kind—encouraging us all to remember the healing power of compassion – starting with yourself and expanding to those around you.

Mental Health Week supports Manitoba’s efforts to advance and promote mental health and wellness as essential aspects of overall health. Raising awareness of mental well-being exemplifies our ongoing commitment to ensuring that everyone feels valued, and further cultivates a culture of respect, inclusion and engagement.

All staff are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities and resources during Mental Health Week, including tips on health and well-being, wellness breaks, and keynote speakers.

For further mental health supports and contacts, view the helpful resources listed on the Manitoba government’s Mental Health and Addictions website. The Canadian Mental Health Association also has a toolkit, with a range of resources to help you practice compassion this week.

As we observe this year’s Mental Health Week, let’s all remember that acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a big difference.