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From the Winnipeg Sun–The Manitoba government is budgeting more than $500,000 for three programs aimed at keeping families together and preventing children from entering the child welfare system, Families Minister Nahanni Fontaine announced Monday.

“Family, community and cultural connections are essential to helping children thrive,” said Fontaine in a press release. “This is especially important for families who may need some extra support. Our government is committed to supporting programs that strengthen family ties and keep children out of the child welfare system whenever possible. Today’s announcement highlights some of our collaborative efforts to support families when and where they need it most, within their own communities.”

The funding includes: $183,000 for Blue Thunderbird Family Care’s Grandmother’s Council Program, which integrates Indigenous knowledge and support from Indigenous matriarchs; $150,000 for the Islamic Social Services Association to hire a social worker and counsellor for its Family Supports Services Programming, which offers emotional, financial, psychological, and systems navigation support; and, $200,000 for Acorn Family Place’s Wrap Around Program, which provides preventative and early intervention supports for families involved in the child welfare system.

Read the rest of the article here.