Sexual assault crisis response and community healing program launched for survivors
A new community-based sexual assault crisis response and healing program will expand the availability and accessibility of specialized services and supports for survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner...
Government announces funding for provincewide missing persons response
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is investing $2.1 million to fund dedicated police resources to establish a Manitoba Integrated Missing Persons Response. The investment will reduce the number...
Manitoba introduces amendments to CFS Act affirming Indigenous jurisdiction
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is introducing amendments to several aspects of the Child and Family Services (CFS) Act and other statutes that would recognize the jurisdiction of Indigenous...
Manitoba bill would reverse the onus in lawsuits over intimate images
From CTV News--The Manitoba government is promising to strengthen a law that protects people who have had intimate images shared online without their consent. A bill now before the legislature would amend an existing...
New child abuse investigation unit expected to open next June
From CBC News--An integrated, province-wide child abuse investigation unit is expected to open next June at Toba Centre's new facility in Winnipeg, and will receive $2.1 million to provide wraparound supports to...
Manitoba government supporting human trafficking awareness campaign
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is providing $100,000 on International Women’s Day to help expand the public education efforts of the Joy Smith Foundation, a Winnipeg-based non-profit...
Government announces new funding to support family violence prevention
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is investing $2 million as part of a new funding model for women’s resource centres across the province to support family violence prevention programs (FVPP),...
$10-a-day child care on horizon for Manitoba families
Manitoba Government News Release--Families across Canada know that affordable child care is not a luxury ‒ it is a necessity. With global inflation driving up the cost of living and making it harder for families to...
Some Winnipeg schools see jump in ‘unsafe behaviour,’ highlighting need for timely mental health supports
From CBC News--One Winnipeg school division is struggling to deal with a significant increase in student violence, aggression and bad behaviours. Louis Riel School Division said it's seen a 263 per cent increase in the...
Government accepting applications for projects supporting mental health, well-being of students, educators
Manitoba Government News Release--The Manitoba government is now accepting applications for the 2023-24 Teachers’ Idea Fund intake, Education and Early Childhood Learning Minister Wayne Ewasko and Mental Health and...